Saturday, July 7, 2007

A Visit To The Cemetary

Grandpa Reuben and Moses (Marty) took a trip to see our Great-Grandpa Moses Martin Sanders this Summer at the local cemetery in St George, Utah. Marty seemed to have a wonderful experience. Remember to stop by the cemetery next time you're up...

Friday, July 6, 2007

Adam & Jen

Hi everyone just wanted you to know Jen will be going into the hospital on Monday for an amnio to see if the babies lungs are developed. The doc is almost positive they are. Then at 12:00am July 10th we will be getting induced. Annika is almost here! We love you all and hope everyone is doing well.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Jim meets Ben Stein

I was shooting a job with Mike and noticed Ben Stein was the speaker so I had to meet him. He seemed to have a REAListic outlook on the American Dream. You should pick up his book sometime, it's a great read.

Beau and Teri Gaskell

Hey Guys!!! We just wanted to wish you all a Happy Fourth of July!!! Love you all and keep in touch. My email is - Also, where's Ben's pix?

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Justin DeVos

Hi All,
Here is a picture of Justin and one of Jaime's babies, he is up in Eastern Oregon, milking cows right now. I sure miss him:) He looks a bit nervous holding the baby:)

Monday, July 2, 2007

Adam & Jenny Expecting!!!

Adam and Jenny are expecting a new baby girl by the first of August 2007. We'll keep you posted.

New Facelift In St George

The Gaskell family home in St George, UT just got a new facelift and roof. Checkout the latest pictures.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Marty Moves Back To Oregon

Marty and the family will be moving back home to Oregon. The family spent some time in Southern Utah and Vegas for awhile and we had a great time with him. We wish them the best and look forward to seeing all the family at the Reunion 2007.

Drive safe and keep us posted...

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Happy 4th of July!!!

We just wanted to wish everyone a happy 4th of July. Keep safe and we look forward to seeing everyone at the reunion 2007.

Love everyone - Ashley, Adyson, Rylee and Michael

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Adyson Michelle Gaskell

Michael & Ashley are excited to announce the birth of their new daughter, Adyson. She weighs in at 6lbs and 6oz and measures 18" in length. After Michael and Ashley arrived at the hospital around 2:00am, Adyson finally arrived around 2:45. Ashley wasn't able to have an epidural due to the short time she had. Will be posting pictures soon.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Gaskell Reunion 2006

We are inviting all of you to the Gaskell Family Reunion that is going to be held at Ricky's house in Estacada Oregon. The reunion starts Friday August 3rd 2007 and ends Sunday August 5th 2007. Please RSVP to
God bless and have a great Summer!!! James, Selina Gaskell & Families ...

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Grandpa and Grandma Sanders

Reuben Anthony Sanders, seventh child of Lee Washington Sanders and Zetta Fern Mortensen was born in Malta, Idaho April 15th, 1933
Married Frances Theresa McGovern December 24 th 1953, daughter of Francis Joseph McGovern and Zetta Cyrethia Tucker, born long Beach, California, November 30 th, 1934 Navy child. Reuben and I have had a good life and we have been blessed with 3 children, Selina, Frank, and Anthenia. Reuben has been a good husband, provider and father. Our children are grown up and we are delighted to have grand children and great grand children from Jim and Selina Gaskell. It is wonderful to have the opportunity to see some of then now and then. They are the delights of our life.

We are looking forward to a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Maybe back east to renew cousin families in Chester, Pa., Arlington, Va. and in Fox Chase, Deleware. and in Decature, Illinois.

God bless each of us in our righteous goals.
~Reuben & Frances Sanders

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Julian DeVos - The Next Game!

Here is a picture of us at Julian’s game last Friday. What a stud!!!

Love ya,

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

8th Ward Howdown @ PineValley

We had a great time at the 8th Ward Howdown in PineValley Utah. It was a lot like Oregon and we loved it.
~ Selina and Jim

Thursday, June 15, 2006